Friday, September 19, 2014

Buy Time With A Check!

I just added a completely new feature to my business. If you don't have Visa, Discover, or a credit card at all, you can use a check from either your checking or savings account. :) Isn't that great? I think so, come check it out (get it? lols).

Can't wait to talk to you soon! If you use the check system and email me a quick review about how it worked out for you, I will give you a present! or :)

Juicy Jamie

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Juicy Jamie's Kinky Phone Fun

Hi there!

I am talking to you...the one with an already aching dick! Are you the one with his left hand itching to free his rock hard cock or the one who knows how to navigate a mouse pad with his left hand so he can jack off with his favorite right hand? lol Which hand you use doesn't matter; what matters is that you are tugging on your meat for the juiciest phone sex operator in the business! Come have a hot chat with a young phone sex slut who loves to have super kinky sex talk!

Tug It For A Bitch
Tug It For A Sweetheart
Tug It To Juicy Jamie's Favorite Porn Clips

Giving a 10 minute free call away this month to the man with the most repeat calls! Ask for your tallied total on your next call!

Juicy Jamie
$2/minute 10 minute minimum

Sunday, May 25, 2014 is not a website ran by me or represents me, or my ideas, in any way shape or form.

SK Phone Quote, Kinky Phone Fun and Juicy Jamie were created by me and are LEGALLY my creative works and I do not allow the use of any/all my works/intellectual property in any way.

I do not own I am in no way affiliated with this website, it's stories, ideas, or anything dealing with this website or in any way. 


The real juicy jamie

Monday, May 12, 2014


Hi everyone!

I will only be available by appointment this week due to a huuuuugggeeeee (and growing) demand of my time. :) Email me at, or for your appointment! Thank you again for all of your support. I can't wait to play with you!

Juicy Jamie

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

My New Business

Hello All! I am officially a business woman and small business owner! :) My new company is called SK Phone Quote and my new phone sex website is Kinky Phone Fun. :) If you want to do a call with me, please check out my billing page!

Click the button to visit my billing page and to buy time with me!

For more information you can call me during my available times at 888-872-3753. Can't wait to get juicy as fuck for you! lol xoxo The one and only Juicy Jamie

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Saturday, February 22, 2014

What's Up?

Hey there! I know a lot of you have been calling me and wondering what's up. Well, as of now, I have my business name, business taxes paid, a lawyer, an accountant, and so much more. I also have the billing aspect about 90% complete. I am waiting to hear back from VISA on whether they approve me to use their services. I have two websites in the works. The first website is a more professional website that exploits my degree in Psychology. The second website, which is not done yet, is the one that will explicitly talk about sex/phone sex and where I will eventually have the available girls page for when I start hiring. I am beyond excited about this venture and if you are interested in investing, want to help, or want to send me your resume for when I start hiring, email me! xoxo Juicy Jamie

Friday, January 10, 2014



I am currently still working on getting the billing aspect of my business going. We can chat about it through email if you would like. :)